Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'll soon be moving to a suburb of heaven.

How can this be possible you might ask? Well, it's kind of a long story. Over 25 years in the making long. To sum up my two best friends are finally getting together. Some who know them might think it should have happened over 25 years ago. It very well could have but for any number of reasons it didn't. You may think this was a terrible waste; a tragedy; sad beyond words, and you'd probably be right...but (is there always one of those?) being the selfish bastard that I am, and I feel awful admitting to this, a small part of me is not unhappy it worked out this way. You see I love these two people dearly. In fact, if cornered, I might admit I was head over heels in love with one of them, but only if cornered, of course, and would gladly give my life for either of them. All this would have happened a few years before we met and if it would have happened in all likelihood, we never would have met. Over the years we have developed a long and very close relationship and shared many very intimate things (not in the sexual sense)...(, just dammit). For the most part this relationship was pretty much independently done. The three of us barely spent any time all three together; mostly just in passing at most. We've laughed together, cried together, spent countless hours together sometimes just doing nothing but being content because we were with each other. Remember this was just two of us at a time for the most part. There was one long gap in time (over 10 years of no contact between two of us and the third person) but it was thankfully closed about a year ago which was the beginning of this new chapter in our lives. We were just three old friends trying to get to know each other all over again. The closeness has returned but now the three of us interact on almost a daily basis but not in person. Two of us live nearly 2300 miles apart via MapQuest and the third is damn near exactly halfway between us. That's the one it's been well over a decade since I've seen in person. In a few months they'll both be nearly 2300 miles apart since they'll be living together. The love that was always there has finally been able to blossom and it's a most beautiful and wondrous thing to behold. I can a bit sappy if I want because the thought of them being able to finally bring their dreams together honestly makes me tear up I'm so happy for them. The two of them so deserve to be happy and they'll finally get their chance. They'll be in a heaven of their own making.

So, what does this have to do with me moving to a suburb of heaven? For some reason, they have a special place in their hearts for me. Maybe even more special than you'd expect for just friends. Goodness knows I don't merit such a place but I'll be damned if I'll tell them that. Naturally with their making a heaven they'll move me to a close suburb just because for some reason they want me to be that much a part of their lives. I'm more honored than I can ever put into words that they'd feel that way. For all the love they have for each other they still have a lot left for me...I will love them until I take my last breath, beyond that if possible, and will always feel warm and loved in my cozy little cottage in the suburb of their heaven.

(I'm still up at 5 am, this isn't called 'ramblings' for nothing)